Kay. Sooo this is something that I've been seeing a lot lately.. With friends, friends of friends, etc. Their man cheats, the girlfriend finds out, and instead of getting mad at their man, they blame it all on the girls.The girlfriend calls the other girl a slut, hoe, trash, etc. REEEEEWWWINNDDDD. So I'm dating MY man, with whom I have a mutual agreement on to be exclusive, and some girl who may or may not know that he is taken comes in and he goes for it...And I blame her? Look ladies, or men, (it goes both ways), it is the two of you who have an agreement. NOT the whole damn world, and if your boo can't handle that, lose him/her. Last time I heard, men still have the freedom of choice, and unless the lady friend jumped on him, pinned his hands behind him and took his pants off, then he gets ALL the blame. WHY? Cuz the lady friend owes you nothing, and yes, in a perfect world we would all watch out for others, feed those in need and lend out a helping hand.But guess what? That hardly ever happens because we are all so self centered, so don't expect it, and when it comes, take it as a blessing. We all tend to look out for Numero.1. So I say leave the lame ass excuses at the door, and stop making excuses for him. If his hand is caught in the cookie jar, let him have a whole damn box and bounce. Not worth your time, and if he does that, he's just not that into you. And NO, the " skanky" girl had nothing to do with it. She is A, and then B,C,D, comes along; interchangeable. It's your man with the problem. Respect yourself, lose the dud.